Related trainings on Audits and Regulatory Inspections
  • Process for Performing a Vendor/Contract Audit: What Should be Considered and How to Plan, Perform and Report Results of a Vendor Audit

    Attend this webinar to learn about the different contract terms, different ways to determine the scope of the audit given contract terms and conditions, how to plan, perform and report results of a vendor audit.

  • Conducting Effective Quality Audits: Beyond Audit Checklists

    This webinar will teach attendees best practices for conducting effective quality audits to ensure regulatory compliance. Learn how to avoid potential pitfalls during the audit process.

  • How to Prepare an Effective Audit Manual for an Internal Audit Department

    This webinar will instruct attendees on how to develop an internal audit manual and offer start to finish instructions and templates on how to perform different types of audits given the project description. Audit fieldwork, audit reporting and follow-up, work-paper filing, and project closure are some of the other areas the webinar will cover.

  • How to Ensure Your Foreign Vendors are FDA Compliant: Conducting Vendor Audits, Monitoring, and Using Checklists

    This webinar will give information on auditing foreign vendors for FDA compliance. It will discuss initiating audits, planning and preparing vendor audits, as well as, monitoring foreign vendor compliance. This webinar will provide FDA guidance on foreign vendor expectations, what to do and what not to upon selecting a foreign vendor. It will also provide audit formats and checklists for ensuring a foreign vendor is qualified.

  • Conducting Effective Mock FDA Inspections

    This webinar will explain the differences between a GMP audit and a mock regulatory inspection, and will highlight the key considerations for effective conduct of a mock inspection, including problems to avoid.

  • How to Ensure Your Foreign Vendors are FDA Compliant: Conducting Vendor Audits, Monitoring, and Using Checklists

    This webinar will give information on auditing foreign vendors for FDA compliance. It will discuss initiating audits, planning and preparing vendor audits, as well as, monitoring foreign vendor compliance. This webinar will provide FDA guidance on foreign vendor expectations, what to do and what not to upon selecting a foreign vendor. It will also provide audit formats and checklists for ensuring a foreign vendor is qualified.

  • Regulatory Inspections and Quality Audits

    This course will focus on Regulatory Inspections and Quality Audits. It will cover Health Authority inspections as well as internal Quality Audits and also managing corrective action plans that can result from audits.

  • Streamlining your QMS and Audit System for Remote Audits

    This webinar will cover creating of a value-added internal auditing program that is compliant to FDA cGMP/ Quality System Regulation and ISO 13485. It will include how to set up and manage the auditing system as well as how to conduct an internal audit and document the results and any nonconformities. It will discuss the value of a good internal auditing program.

  • Regulatory Inspections - How to prepare for a visit from an FDA Auditor

    This FDA audit webinar will highlight the purpose of FDA audits and scope, Understanding of QSIT audit and how to develop an audit preparedness plan. It will also give understanding of what the FDA will look for at the conclusion of your audit and how to communicate with FDA before and after the audit.

  • Preventing and Detecting Fraudulent Vendor Disbursements

    This training program will highlight various disbursement fraud schemes. It will also discuss preventing disbursement fraud by establishing a strong anti-fraud policy and understanding of the human factor.

  • Auditing and Qualifying Suppliers and Vendors - An Effective Risk Based Approach

    This 90-minute training program is designed for people tasked with performing external audits for their organizations. It is also for those tasked with developing, maintaining and/or improving programs for manufacturing facilities. This includes individuals that have quality management system responsibilities for making general improvements in their organization’s performance specifically related to equipment, processes and documentation.

  • FDA Inspections: What Regulations Expect

    Attend this webinar to increase one’s knowledge of FDA inspections, what inspectors are looking for and expect to see and not to see in manufacturing facilities. It will provide an in-depth understanding of how to prepare for unannounced FDA audits and inspections.

  • Vendor Management Program - Risk Assessment, Effective Controls, Best Practices to Minimize 3PV Risk

    This vendor management training program will offer best practices for managing and minimizing third party vendor risk through strategies that help you focus resources with a risk based approach. It will explore the five elements of a successful vendor management program, including: vendor culture, vendor risk assessment, ensuring effective controls around vendor management, monitoring vendor programs, and vendor communication.

  • How to Conduct an Internal Audit to Avoid an External One

    Attend this webinar to learn the strategies for conducting an internal audit and discover whether or not you have been subject to fraud plus help you to prevent internal fraud in the future. It will provide best practices for payroll departments to avoid external audits.

  • Vendor Management: What Accounts Payable and Purchasing Need to Know and Do

    This purchasing and accounts payable training will focus on why you need a comprehensive program to address critical issues associated with vendor management. It will identify critical vendor management issues, provide a comprehensive step by step approach to vendor management and identify best and appropriate practices for managing all aspects of your vendor relationships.

  • Vendor Management - Building a Strong Questionnaire

    This training program will highlight why a vendor questionnaire is the keystone your vendor management program is built on. The course will help ensure attendees get the whole picture and determine appropriate controls for information security and privacy.

  • Internal Audit's Role in Enterprise Risk Management

    This training on internal audit compliance will help the attendees understand the role and importance of audits in enterprise risk management program. Learn assurance models and standards and how audit can help.

  • New OSC / ICE Guidelines on Internal I-9 Audits Concerning I-9 Errors and How to Correct the Errors

    This webinar training will discuss common I-9 violations, the recent guidance for ICE and OSC internal I-9 audits and new methods offered to correct errors. The instructor will also discuss the ever-expanding actions by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) for citizenship and national origin discrimination.

  • Sampling Plan for Quality Audits

    This webinar examines the issues in audit sampling and provides the answers one need to plan audit. It will help attendees understand the use of standard sampling plans in an audit including FDA’s QSIT sampling plans.

  • The Evolving Role of Internal Audit

    This 90-minute webinar examines the changing role of internal audit and how an organization can start to develop its internal resources to meet the new challenges that it faces in the current economic and regulatory environment.

Topic Background:

Regulatory FDA and Notified Body Audits / Inspections are a fact of life. The same for self- or internal audits. A company's audit preparedness their conduct are growing in importance to regulatory health.

Why should you attend:

US FDA statements and actions indicate the initial and purpose of Part 11 "Add-on" inspections are being extended beyond what was to be a short term review of industry's response to Part 11. Using the field tested techniques presented in this webinar, an internal and/or supplier audit can provide much the same early warnings as a real FDA compliance CGMP audit. This webinar will provide test scripts and rationale for a "model" for company internal and supplier audits.


Each year U.S. FDA CGMP compliance inspections get tougher. In the EU and Asia, companies that pass notified-body inspections / audits with glowing reports fail their first FDA inspection and often also receive Warning Letters. Improvement in a company's internal and vendor audit program, adding remote or virtual audits to the company toolbox can greatly facilitate addressing this increased emphasis. And what should a company do to prepare for a CGMP inspection with the "Add-on Part 11" inspection elements. This webinar will look at basic areas of difference in emphasis. Also, these changes / differences in focus have a major impact on individual compliance objectives, efforts and measurements of success. Pre-, during- and post audit? We will further evaluate the chief areas of FDA CGMP compliance inspections and evaluate the actual and anticipated changes in emphasis, and how to better prepare with a company's supplemental remote audit program, as well as harmonize these audits to FDA expectations.

Areas Covered:

  • Key Requirements of US 21 CFR 820 device and 21 CFR 211 drug CGMPs and US FDA Inspections - QSR and QMSR Considerations
  • Vendor / Supplier Audits
  • Internal Audit Requirements
  • Key Features of the Part 11 "Add-on" inspection
  • Adapt the FDA "QSIT" (device) Inspection / Audit "Model"
  • Data Integrity
  • The Audit Schedule, Audit Plan, Draft Audit Report
  • Conduct of Post-audit Actions; Fomal Audit Report
  • Sample Audit Questionnaire and Worksheets
  • Vendor / Supplier Audits
  • LPA (Layered Process Audits)
  • Virtual Audits

In-Person Seminar going Virtual with increased learner satisfaction.

Yes, attend this seminar from anywhere. We are making it real and more interactive – Here's a sneak peek:

Our enhanced delivery process and technology provides you an immersive experience and will allow you to access:

  • The real-time and live presentation as in in-person events
  • Private chat for company-specific conversation – the same as you would get in an in-person seminar
  • Opportunities to connect with your peers to share knowledge at a different time and have group discussions
  • Live workshop activities
  • Live Q&A during the event and offline Q&A assistance after the event
  • As usual more content, activities and case studies and now adding homework for a comprehensive understanding
  • Certification

Who will Benefit:

  • R&D and Engineering
  • Company / Vendor Auditors
  • Senior management
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Quality Assurance / QAE
  • Production
  • Consultants
  • All personnel tasked with any compliance audits, project management and new product development, and those who soon hope to be
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Day 01(10:00 AM ET – 4:00 PM ET)
  • 08:00 AM MT Introduction (personal / attendees / course information)
  • 08:10 AM MT Session 1 – FDA Compliance Inspections and Old QSIT (~79 slides)
    • Device CGMP Inspections – Old QSR, New QMSR; Combo Products
    • Pharma and Dietary Supplements CGMP Inspections
    • Principles from the old QSIT Requirements
    • Internal and Supplier Audits, Virtual Audits, LPA (Layered Process Audits)
  • 09:40 AM MT Break
  • 09:50 AM MT Session 2 – ISO 13485 (and ICH Q7) (~51 slides)
    • Notified-Body Audits prior to Marketing
    • ISO 13485 Device QMS, Internal / Supplier Audits
    • Design Control / Product Development
    • ICH Q7 / ISO 9001 GMP/ QMS for APIs Audits
  • 10:50 AM MT Session 3 – CAPA, FI, and RCA (~69 slides)
    • CAPA Definitions
    • Key CAPA Requirements; Change Control
    • CAPA Documents Templates
    • Failure Investigations, Root Cause Analysis Tools and Methods
  • 12:00 Noon MT Lunch Break
  • 12:20 AM MT Session 4 -- P&PC (~78 slides)
    • P&PC
    • FDA Requirements
    • Lean
    • Six Sigma
    • Problem Solving, Tools, Methodology
  • 01:25 PM MT Session 5 -- Management Responsibility (~40 slides)
    • FDA Requirements
    • Management and the QMS
    • Key Concerns / Responsibilities
  • 01:50 PM MT Summary / Conclusion, Q&A
  • 02:00 PM MT End
  • Note: Timings are approximate
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John E Lincoln

John E Lincoln
Principal, J. E. Lincoln and Associates

John E. Lincoln, is Principal of J. E. Lincoln and Associates LLC, a consulting company with over 42 years’ experience in U.S. FDA-regulated industries, 28 as a full-time consultant. John has worked with companies from start-up to Fortune 100, in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, China and Taiwan. He specializes in quality assurance, regulatory affairs, QMS problem remediation and FDA responses, new / changed product 510(k)s, process / product / equipment including QMS and software validations, ISO 14971 product risk management files / reports, Design Control / Design History Files, Technical Files. He's held positions in Manufacturing Engineering, QA, QAE, Regulatory Affairs, to the level of Director and VP (R&D). In addition, John has prior experience in military, government, electronics, and aerospace. He has published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals, conducted workshops and webinars worldwide on CAPA, 510(k)s, risk analysis / management, FDA / GMP audits, validation, root cause analysis, and others. John is a graduate of UCLA.

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Payment is required 2 days before the date of the conference. We accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard. Make checks payable to MetricStream Inc. (our parent company).

Cancellations and substitutions for In-person Seminars:

Written cancellations through fax or email (from the person who has registered for this conference) received at least 10 calendar days prior to the start date of the event will receive a refund - less a $300 administration fee. No cancellations will be accepted - nor refunds issued - within 10 calendar days before the start date of the event.

On request by email or fax (before the seminar) a credit for the amount paid minus administration fees ($300) will be transferred to any future ComplianceOnline event and a credit note will be issued.

Substitutions may be made at any time. No-shows will be charged the full amount.

We discourage onsite registrations, however if you wish to register onsite, payment to happen through credit card immediately or check to be submitted onsite. Conference material will be given on the spot if it is available after distributing to other attendees. In case it is not available, we will send the material after the conference is over.

In the event ComplianceOnline cancels the seminar, ComplianceOnline is not responsible for any airfare, hotel, other costs or losses incurred by registrants. Some topics and speakers may be subject to change without notice.

Cancellations and Substitutions for Virtual Seminars & Webinars:

Written cancellations through fax or email (from the person who has registered for the training) received at least 10 calendar days prior to the start date of the event will receive a refund — less a 30% administration fee. No cancellations will be accepted — nor refunds issued — within 10 calendar days from the start date of the event. On request by email or fax (before the training) a credit for the amount paid minus administration fees (30%) will be transferred to any future ComplianceOnline event and a credit note will be issued. Substitutions may be made at any time. No-shows will be charged the full amount. Some topics and speakers may be subject to change without notice.
  • Early bird seats are limited and based on first-come, first-serve.
  • Multiple offers cannot be combined.
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